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Star Wars Saga Sniper Build

Star Wars Saga Sniper Build

Contents Core Rule Book - Errata and Official Clarifications - Updated October 2008 Errata p. 38 – Base Attack BonusShould read, “Base Attack Bonus: The character's base attack bonus.

This build was mostly to actually see a Signature Ability and for the skill selection. Out of our two Star Wars games, none of the players had tried to get one of those, so I just wanted to see one in play and I thought an extra maneuver would be great for a character who will always be spending at least one on aim. Find great deals on eBay for star wars prop gun. Shop with confidence. Start with a level of Scout and pick up Stealth as a trained skill. Deck yourself out with a Heavy Blaster Rifle, mount a scope on it and set up your shots way out. 3d10 damage, no penalties up to 60 squares out and, using the Snipe ability (under Stealth), you can pop out of cover, take a shot and drop back into cover, making another Stealth check (albeit with a -10).

Apply this bonus to the character's attack rolls.” Base attack bonus does not apply to damage rolls. 38 – Jedi class skillsAdd Jump and Mechanics to the list of skills on the Jedi Class Skills list, below Table 3-2: The Jedi. 40 – Resilience TalentShould read “You can spend a full-round action to move +2 steps up the condition track (see Conditions, page 148)” p. 41 – Block TalentAdd the following sentences before the last sentence of the Block talent: “You may use the Block talent to negate melee area attacks, such as those made by the Whirlwind Attack feat. If you succeed on the Use the Force check, you take half damage if the attack hits and no damage if the attack misses.

You may spend a Force point to use this talent to negate an attack against an adjacent character.” p. 41 – Deflect TalentBefore the last sentence of the first paragraph, add the following sentence: “You may spend a Force Point to use this talent to negate an attack against an adjacent character.” Replace the second paragraph with the following: “You can use this talent to deflect some of the barrage of shots fired from a ranged weapon set on autofire, or the Force Lightning Force power.

If you succeed on the Use the Force check, you take half damage if the attack hits and no damage if the attack misses.” p. 44 – Wealth TalentChange reference to “your noble level” to “your class level” p.

46 – Fool’s Luck TalentChange reference to “luck bonus” to “competence bonus” p. 47 – Hyperdriven TalentRemove the word “scoundrel” before the phrase “class level.” p. 51 – Soldier Defense BonusesShould read, 'At 1st level you gain a +1 class bonus to your Reflex Defense and a +2 class bonus to your Fortitude Defense.'

52 – Stunning Strike TalentChange the phrase “if your attack roll” to “if your damage roll” p. 59 – Table 4-1: Trained Skills by ClassAdd Jump and Mechanics to the class skills for the Jedi. 62 – Table 4-2: SkillsChange the – in the Jedi column to a C for the Jump and Mechanics skills. 62 – Acrobatics SkillIn the last sentence of the second paragraph, change, “a DC 15 Reflex save” to “a DC 15 Acrobatics check” The first sentence of the second paragraph under the Escape Bonds header refers to “an attack action.” This should be “a standard action.” Under the Special section, replace the last sentence with the following: “If you are trained in Acrobatics, you gain a +5 bonus to your Reflex Defense when fighting defensively (see Fighting Defensively, page 152). 68 – Jump SkillAdd the following before the last sentence under the 'Jump Down' use of the Jump skill: For every 10 points by which you beat the DC, you can subtract an additional 3 meters from the fall when determining damage.

69-70 – Mechanics SkillFirst full sentence of second paragraph should read “On a result” instead of “One a result” Under the Jury-Rig header, replace the 4th sentence with the following: “A jury-rigged device or vehicle gains +2 steps on the condition track and 1d8 hit points.” Under the Special header, add the following sentence: “Characters who are untrained in the Mechanics skill can still use the aid another action to assist on Mechanics checks.” p. 73 – Stealth SkillChange the last sentence under the Conceal Item header to say, “Drawing a concealed item is a standard action.” p.

82 – Acrobatic Strike FeatReduce the bonus provided by this feat from +5 to a +2 competence bonus. 82 – Burst Fire FeatChange the Prerequisites for the feat to: Proficient with heavy weapons, proficient with weapon. At the end of the Special paragraph, add the following text: “If you do not have a Strength of 13 or higher, increase the penalty on attacks to –10 when using this feat with non-vehicle weapons.” p. 85 – Force Training FeatUnder the Special section, the feat should say, “Each time you take this feat, you add to your Force suite a number of new Force powers equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier.” p.

Star Wars Saga Rpg

88 – Rapid Shot FeatRemove the Strength prerequisite from the feat. Add the following sentence to the Special section of the feat: “If you do not have a Strength of 13 or higher, increase the penalty to attacks to ¬–5 when using this feat with non-vehicle weapons.” p. 88 – Rapid Strike FeatRemove the Dexterity prerequisite from the feat.

Add the following sentence to the Special section of the feat: “If you do not have a Dexterity of 13 or higher, increase the penalty to attacks to –5 when using this feat with non-light weapons.” p. 89 – Whirlwind Attack FeatIn the first sentence under Benefit, change the word “opponent” to “target.” p. 93 – Using Force PointsSpending a Force Point to return a power to your Force suite is a reaction, not a swift action. 96 – Using Force PowersChange the second method under Regaining Force Powers to say the following “–If you roll a natural 20 on a Use the Force check to activate a Force power, you regain all spent Force powers at the end of your turn.” p.

96 – Force Power DescriptorsAdd the following entry after the Mind-Affecting paragraph: Telekinetic: A Force power with the telekinetic descriptor uses telekinesis to accomplish its ends. Many telekinetic powers interact with the world physically in similar ways, and are covered as a group by some talents. If a target of a telekinetic Force power has cover, it gains a cover bonus to its relevant Defense score or on its opposed check to resist the power. If the target of a telekinetic Force power has concealment, you take a penalty on your Use the Force check to activate the power unless you have used the Sense Surroundings application of the Use the Force skill this turn. Use the standard bonuses and penalties for cover and concealment provided on pages 156-157. Add the telekinetic descriptor to the following Force powers: Force Disarm, Force Grip, Force Slam, Force Thrust, Move Object.p.

96 – Battle StrikeChange the DC 15 text to: “Gain a +1 Force bonus on your next attack roll made before the end of your next turn and deal an additional 1d6 points of damage if the attack hits.” p. 97 – Force GripChange the Target text to 'One target within 6 squares and within line of sight.' Replace the DC 15 text with the following: DC 15: If your Use the Force check equals or exceeds the target’s Fortitude Defense, the target takes 2d6 points of damage and can only take a single swift action on his next turn. Otherwise, the target takes half damage and may act normally, and you may not maintain the power.

Star Wars Saga Sniper BuildStar wars sniper rifle

Targets larger than Medium add a size modifier to Fortitude Defense against this power: Colossal +50, Gargantuan +20, Huge +10, Large +5.Replace the second sentence under Special with the following: “Maintaining the Force Grip power is a standard action, and you must make a new Use the Force check each round. If you suffer damage while maintaining a Force Grip, you must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to continue concentrating.”p. 97 – Force SlamAdd the following sentence before the “This is an area effect” sentence: “Targets larger than Medium add a size modifier to Fortitude Defense against this power: Colossal +50, Gargantuan +20, Huge +10, Large +5.” p. 98 – Force StunThe Use the Force check should be compared to the target’s Fortitude Defense instead of Will Defense. Add the following sentence to the end of the Make a Use the Force Check paragraph: “Targets larger than Medium add a size modifier to Fortitude Defense against this power: Colossal +50, Gargantuan +20, Huge +10, Large +5.” p. 98 – Force ThrustIn the second paragraph under Make a Use the Force Check, change the first sentence to say, “The target adds its base attack bonus and its size modifier to its” p. 98 – Move ObjectChange the Target text to “One target within 12 squares and within line of sight.” Replace the second sentence under Special with the following: “Maintaining the Move Object power is a standard action, and you must make a new Use the Force check each round.

If you suffer damage while maintaining Move Object, you must succeed on a Use the Force check (DC = 15 + damage taken) to continue concentrating. If you deal damage with the Move Object power, you cease to be able to maintain it.” p. 100 – SurgeThe Surge power should be a free action, not a swift action. Add the following sentences under Special: “Using the Surge power counts as a running start for determining a Jump DC. You may spend a Destiny Point to gain an additional 4 squares of movement; when you do so, you may also use any and all movement for the round as a part of a jump (no Jump check required).” p. 100 – Disciplined Strike TalentChange the phrase “has a cone effect” to “has an area effect” instead. 100 – Telekinetic Power TalentChange the text of the first sentence of the talent to say, “Whenever you roll a natural 20 on your Use the Force check to activate a power with the telekinetic descriptor, you may choose to use that power again immediately as a free action.” p.

100 – Telekinetic Savant TalentChange the text of this talent to say: “Once per encounter as a swift action, you may return one Force power with the telekinetic descriptor to your suite without spending a Force Point.” p. 102 – Force Point RecoveryRemove the second paragraph. 113 – Spending Destiny PointsChange the third bullet point to say, “Act out of turn (thus changing your position in the initiative order) once per encounter.” p. 120 – Weapon QualitiesThe entry for Stun Damage should read as follows: “If the weapon has a stun setting, it is listed here. A weapon set to stun does stun damage equal to its normal damage (see Stunning, page 162, for more information). Ranged weapons set to stun have a maximum range of 6 squares unless noted otherwise.” p.

122-123 – Table 8-3: Melee WeaponsAll damage entries in the “Stun” column of the table should be replaced with the word “Yes” except the stun baton, which should say “Yes (2d6).” p. 126-127 – Table 8-4: Ranged WeaponsAll damage entries in the “Stun” column of the table should be replaced with the word “Yes” except for the stun grenade, which should say, “Yes (4d6).” The listings for the sporting blaster pistol, the sporting blaster rifle, and the bowcaster should be given a superscript of 4, denoting accurate weapons. The listings for the hold-out blaster, heavy blaster pistol, blaster carbine, blaster cannon, heavy blaster rifle, thermal detonator, net, and grenade launcher should be given a superscript of 5, denoting inaccurate weapons. Add the following footnotes at the bottom of the table: 4 Accurate weapon: This weapon takes no penalty when firing at targets at short range. 5 Inaccurate weapon: This weapon cannot fire at targets at long range.

128 – Blaster Rifle, SportingIn the last paragraph, change the number “50” to “100”. 152 – ChargeReplace the text of the Charge action with the following: “As a standard action you can move your speed (minimum 2 squares) in a straight line and then make a melee attack at the end of your movement. You gain a +2 competence bonus on your attack roll and take a –2 penalty to your Reflex Defense until the start of your next turn. You cannot charge through low objects or squares occupied by enemies (allies do not hinder your charge), and charging through Difficult Terrain costs twice as much per square as normal.

You cannot tumble (as per the application of the Acrobatics skill) during your movement as a part of a charge. After you resolve a charge attack you can take no further actions this turn.” p. 154 – AimAdd the following sentence to the second paragraph of the description of the Aim action: “Aiming provides no benefit when making an area attack.” p. 155 – Area AttacksReplace the first sentence of the second paragraph with the following: 'When you make an area attack, you make a single attack roll; if your modified attack roll is equal to 10 or higher, compare the result to the Reflex Defense of every target in the area.'

Add the following sentence to the end of the second paragraph: “A natural 20 on an area attack roll automatically hits all targets within the affected area, but area attacks do not deal double damage on a critical hit.” p. 157 – CoverAdd the following sentence to the end of the description of Cover: “A target with cover or improved cover takes no damage from area attacks if the attack roll is less than the target’s Reflex Defense. For a burst or splash weapon, determine cover relative to the center of the weapon's area of effect. For an autofire weapon, determine cover relative to the attacker.” p. 167 – Critical HitsAdd the following sentence to the end of this entry: “When using a vehicle weapon, you cannot apply any effect that causes an automatic natural 20 or automatic critical hit (such as spending a Destiny Point or using the Jedi Master’s serenity class feature), unless a rule specifies that it can be used with vehicle weapons.” p.

169 – Vehicle Damage ThresholdReplace the last sentence in this section with the following: “In addition, all the vehicle’s occupants take damage equal to one-half the amount that exceeded the vehicle’s damage threshold.” p. 172 – Increase Vehicle SpeedAdd the following sentence to the end of the entry: “You may attempt to increase vehicle speed once per round as a free action when using the all-out movement action.” p. 173 – CollisionsAdd the following sentence to the end of the first paragraph: “Unless the vehicle provides no cover to those on-board, any damage dealt to passengers and crew in a collision is reduced by an amount equal to the vehicle’s damage threshold.” p. 186 – Droid Cost FactorAdd the following sentence to the end of the section on Cost Factor: “Droids that are Small size or smaller treat their cost factor as being equal to 2/their cost factor for the purposes of determining accessory weight.” p. 191 – Synchronized Fire CircuitsChange the end of the last sentence to say, 'a droid with synchronized fire circuits grants a +5 bonus instead of a +2 bonus on the other droid's check or roll.'

198 – 3PO Series Protocol DroidChange Intelligence score to 13 and Charisma to 14. 199 – B1 Series Battle DroidUnder Systems replace the remote processor with a remote receiver. 200 – B2 Series Super Battle DroidUnder Atk Options change 'aid another (+4)' to 'aid another (+5)'.

Star Wars Saga Sniper Build